Sunday, 17 January 2016

Holidaying with a baby

We headed to Gisenyi on Lake Kivu for a few days during the Christmas holiday. Having been there a number of times before (and blogged about it previously), I was looking forward to some nice sunshine and relaxation by the lake. Little did I know that holidaying with a mobile baby is far from a relaxing experience, especially when the tourism industry here provides next to nothing for baby bed, highchairs, food options etc etc.

We did have a lovely time but I was somewhat relieved to return to the comforts of Sophia's cot, her safe play area and all her toys in our house.

Highlights of the trip included Sophia and Collin trying kayaking for the first time in their lives (Sophia stuck to dry land), enjoying delicious fish from the lake and sharing a bottle of bubbly with friends to celebrate Collin's belated birthday. Sophia was very entertained by the champagne glasses and enjoyed joining in with one (full of water!). 

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