Today we joined in umuganda; the community work that Rwandans do the last Saturday of every month. The idea is that every family sends at least one person to join in the Project that the community is working on. Today we were preparing the ground ready for a new road to be built. Lucy and I headed down with a couple of other people armed with a rake, hoe and a couple of shovels.
There were nearly 100 people there, of all ages helping to move earth. My favourites were the women with the most gorgeous babies strapped to their backs, who worked so hard I was a little embarrassed at the fact sweat was flying off my face and I did only a fraction of what they did. (Although they were impressed enough with my work to say that if I was a Rwandan girl they would find me a good boy to be my husband- very chuffed!!) The air was full of chatter as people gossiped about what was going on and it was amazing how much got done with so many people helping.
As the work finished, there was a bit of a sing song, and then a village meeting. Totally amazing- both the male and female co-ordinators, their equivalent of town councillors, gave short speeches on current issues. These were translated for us. They spoke about how it is important to talk about family issues every day and said if any family had problems they couldn't resolve the coordinators would help them find solutions. And even more impressive, about how to limit the spread of HIV through family planning.